V8. 54.M11290
- DEV NOTE - BWAY, added filter for earliest expiry of lotno with remaining stock in reorder requirement.
- DEV NOTE - Added batch script to regenerate the journal in pdf form.
- BUG FIX - Inventory posting, optimized query.
- BUG FIX - Added checking for duplicate product entries in ReceivingReport.
- BUG FIX - RLC, fixed incorrect display of prompts.
- BUG FIX - POS, set fupdated_date_index when creating account in POS.
V8. 54.M11160
- DEV NOTE - POS, Added notification for Deposit List when Offline
- DEV NOTE - SmMosaic, BUG Fix in refund sales
- DEV NOTE - SmMosaic, minor changes
- BUG FIX - AGLASS, batch_generate_sales_order_list updated the query and added some process
- BUG FIX - VAT Sales, fixed 0.01 difference.
- DEV NOTE - Julies CTM for warehouses default values
V8. 54.M11080
- DEV NOTE - Robinson, fixed status sent flag and added SFTP support for F&B terminal.
- DEV NOTE - SM, updated the tax exempt sales query.
- DEV NOTE - SmMosaic, bug fixes in tax exempt sales, returned transactions.
- BUG FIX - Collection mode set to true due to fcash not reflecting.
- BUG FIX - Billing, Added Terminal ID filter when in HQ mode for Sales Order Lists.
- BUG FIX - Ayala 2022, fixed date name for EOD tenant file.
- BUG FIX - Robinson, fixed multiple re-sending of tenant files.
V8. 54.M10260
- BUG FIX - Debit card, fixed debit checking if limit is imposed.
- BUG FIX - Ayala 2022, fixed duplicated contents of tenant file.
- DEV NOTE - SmMosaic, minor changes in Tax Exempt Sales, and Regular / Other Discount Field.
V8. 54.M10240
- DEV NOTE - SmMosaic, Bug fix on Tax Exempt Sales.
- DEV NOTE - Added notification for Deposit List when terminal is offline.
- BUG FIX - Inventory ledger, limit fmemo to 64 characters.
- BUG FIX - GT & Tater, add break line whenever adding custom condition during search transaction.
- BUG FIX - POS Inventory Adjustment, added filter for displaying type label when search multiple times.
- DEV NOTE - Ayala 2022, fixed file name and added hourly transaction file per regeneration of tenant file.
V8. 54.M10170
- BUG FIX - Adding of license, removed condition when date is greater than 2038 year.
- DEV NOTE - Aglass, query adjustment for exporting sales order.
- BUG FIX - Inventory Adjustment, added filter for displaying type label when search multiple times.
- DEV NOTE - SmMosaic, 2 decimal places for all sale related field.
- BUG FIX - Ayala 2022, fixed background task and exported file.
- BUG FIX - TMS, set as double all numeric for each products from the xml files.
- BUG FIX - New Ayala Requirement, fixed offline mode, data content, and file export.
- BUG FIX - New Ayala Requirement, fixed vat percentage value.
V8. 54.M10070
- BUG FIX - AGLASS, export sales order list multiple records in csv.
- DEV NOTE - SmMosaic, minor changes.
- DEV NOTE - New ayala requirement, added consolidated z-read textfile.
- DEV NOTE - New ayala requirement, updated data formatting and z-reading file name.
V8. 54.M10040
- DEV NOTE - Add support for new AYALA and AYALA MULTIPLE.
- BUG FIX - POS inventory query error when Company name has single quote (') character.
- BUG FIX - revert support "&" in XML file during upload, due to error in saving product group menu.
- DEV NOTE - SmMosaic, minor code changes in data formatting.
- DEV NOTE - Robinson, change LINE 2 of textfile to physical terminal number.
- DEV NOTE - Updated RLC support based on new guidelines.
- DEV NOTE - SmMosaic, updated code in resending of data.
V8. 54.M09130
- DEV NOTE - Added support of SM Mall's New Sales Report System.
- DEV NOTE - Updated RLC support based on new guidelines.
- BUG FIX - Robinson, fixed indefinite prompts and added support for SFTP.
V8. 53.M09020
- DEV NOTE - Added support for sending data to SFTP server in terminal.
- DEV NOTE - Added ipbtq.exe installer.
V8. 53.M08170
- DEV NOTE - added logic file to generate accounts and products lists.
- BUG FIX - Robinson Tenant, added condition to specifically choose a method between ftp and sftp.
- BUG FIX - Terminal, fix validation in billing terminal if serial is unique.
- BUG FIX - Rebuild pos sale ledger, removed checking of ledger if it is blank and has sales data.
V8. 53.M08120
- DEV NOTE - added batch file for sending tenant data to SFTP server.
- DEV NOTE - add support for "&" in XML file during upload.
- BUG FIX - Distribution is not allowed once it is totally allocated.
V8. 53.M07250
- BUG FIX - Expiry Alert, fix by site filter
- BUG FIX - Stock status, added missing parameters in stock status
- DEV NOTE - Credit validation, added company ID filter to enable validation regardless of terminal type
- DEV NOTE - Align all table with columns, created by and updated by, according to the length of user ID
- BUG FIX - Terminal, added validation when product is lotted and has unique serial
- DEV NOTE - Enhance recreating sales, finding the last sale that has data
- BUG FIX - Billing, Updated the filtering in Sales Order search query
V8. 52.M07070
- DEV NOTE - Stock Status Report, added params to set maxlines during extraction.
- BUG FIX - BIR computation for NET sales.
- DEV NOTE - Added product status script.
- DEV NOTE - Inventory ledger, added script to fix summarized sales with incorrect quantity.
- BUG FIX - Terminal logon, support case-insensitive of user id.
V8. 52.M06270
- BUG FIX - Product master, align created by to user ID whenever changing category.
- DEV NOTE - Billing, added script to fix account ledger with voided document issue.
V8. 51.M06160
- BUG FIX - Terminal, fixed shortcut key after using F3-Search button with warehouse prompt.
- BUG FIX - Sales Report By Product, change fvar look up to pos_sale_product instead of pos_sale.
- BUG FIX - Billing terminal, disabled quantity modification if product is lotted and serial is unique.
V8. 51.M05310
- DEV NOTE - W3P-SAP, Added script for tax type integration from SAP to WebPOS.
- DEV NOTE - Added script, change franchisee access to all products.
V8. 51.M05040
- BUG FIX - SBF, Rounded off to hundredth place in computing the famount_due in CComputeSale.as
- BUG FIX - Added character restriction in customer name in Sales Order
V8. 51.M04010
- BUGFIX - Franchise, Added conditional statements in CPostInventory and CStockLedger for Franchise Companies
- BUG FIX - Added fdoctype 6000,6150 in search query for Product Movement Analysis and Sales Report by Product
- DEV NOTE - rebuild_product_summary accepts inputs, all terminals or 1 terminal with period.
- BUGFIX - Reorder Alert updated the freorder_qty to either mst_product or mst_product_reorder
- DEV NOTE - Added fupdated_date in act ledger distribution.
- DEV NOTE - Purchasing, Void PO only when PO is not fulfilled.
V8. 50.M02090
- DEV NOTE - Added fsiteid to generate from specific warehouse in Server Stock Status Report.
- DEV NOTE - Archiving alignment with Yara implementation
- BUG FIX - Franchisee Module Double posting in Stock Ledger
- BUG FIX - Reorder Alert issue in Reorder Quantity if specified by Warehouses
V8. 50.L12150
- DEV NOTE - Workaround for Billing Ledger Distribution (needed for Integration)
- DEV NOTE - Added fupdated_date on act_ledger_distribution for batch processing
- DEV NOTE - Added Initial Source Code for Middleware App (Yara compatible W3P-SAP
V8. 49.L11160
- BUG FIX - Billing, validation issue for documents with Authorization
- DEV NOTE - Added femail on Customer with Loyalty, for ACC
- BUG FIX - Billing, Search Issue if Keyword has a comma
V8. 49.L10190
- DEV NOTE - Added NEW Index for act_ledger table
- BUG FIX - Issue with Adding Customer Information
- BUG FIX - Discount is applied to non participating products when minimum gross is set to zero
V8. 48.L10130
- BUG FIX - Issue with PDF/Excel when fdocument_no is empty
- BUG FIX - Syntax error on CReading due to ","
- DEV NOTE - Azure Servers should use passive mode when uploading to FTP
V8. 48.L09220
- DEV NOTE - Supported Tenant Solaire new posting requirements
- BUG FIX - Populate picklist where clause issue on Peer to Peer
- BUG FIX - W3P-SAP, Supported invalid characters ">" and "<"
- FIX - TMS, upload error due to use of unknown function
- BUG FIX - Wholesale, posting issues due to empty company information
V8. 48.L09100
- DEV NOTE - ACC, allow posting of non-existing serials
- BUG FIX - Settlement errors due to rounding off issues on fgross
- BUG FIX - INV, posted sales inventory are empty when server is configured with WHOLESALE module
V8. 47.L08120
- DEV NOTE - Increased sm_exception - ferror_code length to 64 chars
- DEV NOTE - Updated DNS Lookup to dns.alliancewebpos.com
V8. 47.L08100
- DEV NOTE - Added document level validation on sales order upload
- BUG FIX - PCH, Delivery posting issue with auto-receipt
V8. 47.L08060
- DEV NOTE - Set reset counter to 0 during Zero-Out
- DEV NOTE - Added document type validations during Sales Upload
- BUG FIX - Added workaround for terminal inventory adjustments having no ftrxtype
- DEV NOTE - GET_TRANSACTION, updated DB queries to support data extraction from archived DB
V8. 47.L07220
- DEV NOTE - NEW: SAP to W3P Price List Integration
- BUG FIX - W3P Issue with Querying Price ID
- BUG FIX - Data Logger, removeEventListener issue with uniqid()
V8. 46.L07020
- BUG FIX - 0.01 Discrepancy between PWD and SC Computation due to rounding
- BUG FIX - Empty Sales Report by Product Component
- BUG FIX - Adjustment Detail update price when product master is updated
- BUG FIX - frequired is always set to zero
V8. 46.L06160
- DEV NOTE - Improvements on Price Proof List + Compute Price
- DEV NOTE - Added Special Cutoff on 'Summarize Sales to Inventory' to SM Setting
- BUG FIX - PCH, allocation issue when posting delivery with multiple serials
V8. 46.L06100
- BUG FIX - Add back service charge diff on 2019 Computation
- BUG FIX - EVAT Rounding Issue on 2019 Computation
- BUG FIX - W3P, Data duplicates on RR
V8. 46.L05270
- DEV NOTE - NEW: Make new user decoding configurable
V8. 45.L05180
- DEV NOTE - Added CSharedMemory, semaphore blocking per pubid-recno in CPostSales.php
- DEV NOTE - NEW Logger for function / class specific debugging
V8. 44.L05120
- BUG FIX - Do not allow Zero Qty when adding item from Price Lookup
- DEV NOTE - Yara Alignment, For Lotted Items set to "-" by default if Lot is empty
- BUG FIX - Ledger memo length issue for Product Kit, used Product ID instead of name
- BUG FIX - Align audit trail (fcreated_by) to fuserid length
- DEV NOTE - W3P-SAP Supported product line tax computation
- BUG FIX - Set factive_flag to 1 upon creation
V8. 43.L04270
- DEV NOTE - Allow Overpayment
- BUG FIX - Purchasing Received Items - Append fcompanyid to fsupplierid upon search
- BUG FIX - Sales Report by Product - Incorrect initial value for billing flag
V8. 43.L03310
- DEV NOTE - fixed problem with qualifying require_once in fw/
V8. 43.L03250
- BUG FIX - Trim extra characters on Debit/Credit Memo PDF
- DEV NOTE - (DB UPDATE) Update max length for fcreated_by and fupdated_by under pos_reading
- BUG FIX - GET_LOCK was set to 1 second by default, updated to 60
- BUG FIX - RFID (bypass addProduct request to RFID when it is paused)
- DEV NOTE - Additional Clean Up for Special Characters - Invalid XML Issue
V8. 42.L03040
- BUG FIX - Service Charge Computation Issue
- DEV NOTE - Support postProductLot() on Inventory Posting - Yara Requirement
- BUG FIX - PCH, extended fref_siteid to 35 chars (Company ID + "," + Site ID)
- BUG FIX - Script Updates - Bypassing System Exceptions
V8. 41.L02150
- DEV NOTE - Added bypass for 100 transaction limit on Lite Version
- BUG FIX - External script issue with bypassing System Exception Errors
- BUG FIX - Restrict manual input of Lot Number to 32 Characters
- DEV NOTE - Minor updates on Inventory Verification
- DEV NOTE - Supported targeted delete of Inventory Cache
- DEV NOTE - Added NEW Download Page
- DEV NOTE - Removed delete option on Product Lot Detail
V8. 40.L01280
- BUG FIX - Rounding Issue on Evat Computation (made fix applicable on all BIR Computations)
- DEV NOTE - W3P-SAP - Updated Product UOM Code if from SAP (was set to PCS previously)
- BUG FIX - Backdate issue on Stock Adjustment due to AS3 Date problem)
- DEV NOTE - Flash Projector Updates + New Download Page
- BUG FIX - Purchasing RR Export, CAccount was not imported
V8. 40.L01130
- BUG FIX - Handling of exemption reset period issue + Minor Updates
- DEV NOTE - Added default fpopulate journal config on db changes
- BUG FIX - Auto generate PriceID only when PriceID not set to Price Master template
- BUG FIX - Remove checking of empty Adjustment List to pull updates
- BUG FIX - Fix Inventory Verification, Query Optimization
- BUG FIX - Flash Projector Issue - double "?" on URL
- DEV NOTE - Supported stock status cache
- BUG FIX - Billing - Remove voided Debit and Credit Memo for distribution
- BUG FIX - Excel export issue with special characters
V8. 39.K11190
- Added Transaction History and Recall on BTQ during unexpected shutdown of POS
- Added fpopulate journal for download if set as SYSTEM config
- Fix for Act Ledger memo exceeded the 128 char limit
- Supported updating of UOM from SAP (this was previously hardcoded to 'PCS') Item Master
- Added enable credit limit check (charge payments) only if terminal type is billing
V8. 38.K11060
- Fixes for Cashier Report, discrepancy on SC discount total and count due to fevat
- Fix for problematic condition on Stop Sell Override
- Added HTML for viewing System Exceptions
- Fix for Voided Trx are not properly tagged with Z-Counters during Reading
- BugFix for Apple Care Connect, Double Posting Issue on Order Creation
V8. 37.K10220
- Added authorization on Price Lookup, CHANGE_UOM, additional checking when changing of UOM is disabled
- Fixes for Purchase Order and Delivery Links on Receiving Report
- W3P Supported Actions for Purchasing, Receiving Report(GET,VOID/CANCEL) and Delivery(GET)
- W3P Account, exposed email and branch
- Removed unnecessary data on PCH Receiving template
V8. 37.K10130
- Expiry Report - Query Optimization
- Removed browser dependencies - ExternalInterface (AS3)
- Trimmed Sheed Titles of Ledger Distribution Reports to accommodate MS Excel 31 Character Limit
- Minor UI adjustment, BTQ Date display was rendered in multiple lines
- Fixed issues in handling multiple serials on Delivery and Receiving Report
- Removed duplicate call of setMailOption on CTransactionList
- Added email field on w3p Account
- Added access levels (authorization) when updating qty with decimals
V8. 37.K09040
- Updated inv_ledger_ex implementation - Query Optimization
- Added detection of printing/export from Adobe Projector
- Bugfix for Receiving Report handling of multiple serials
- Bugfix for w3p Serials flotno parameter
V8. 37.K08060
- Initial Support for Multiple Tenant Configuration
- Added terminal number on Download E-Sales
V8. 36.K07160
- BIR Compliance 2019 Update - VAT Exempt Computation
- Fixed TMS gross disrepancy for trx with gov't discounts
- Added configurable max price
- Enabled xlsx by default
- Bugfix for Adjustments with empty ftrxtype
- Added UOM length checking on master upload
- Supported purchasing unit on master upload
- On stock count, fixed system count computation discrepancy on refresh
V8. 35.K05110
- Fixed typon on Sales Return processing
- Purchasing module, auto receipt upon delivery updates
- Removed duplicated action UPLOAD_PICK_LIST
- Fixed over allocation during distribution due to rounding
- Fixed rounding issue on Credit Distribution
- Fixed Auto Reading path issue
- Kitchen printout enhancement - sort by clerk feature
- Rebuild inventory ledger and Verification updates
V8. 35.K04140
- Removed addProduct event listener on logout
- BIR Compliance 2019 Update as of Apr 6, 2020
- Customer count discrepancy on shop floor
- Added blank ftransmit when pulling sales data for upload
- Default OR range for readings with no sales data
- W3P support for pulling pending inventory movements
V8. 34.K03050
- Revamped Government Discount Report
- Restrict account by branch improvements
- W3P support for check payment and sales sync per transaction
- Disable sort by clerk on kitchen printout with product choices
- PhpExcel plugin issue
- W3P support for pending inventory transaction
- W3P save stock adjustment fixes
V8. 34.K02190
- BIR Compliance 2019 Update as of Feb 19, 2020
V8. 33.K02110
- Updated stock status ex, to remove group by and speed up the process
- Implemented cache on getting updated resource
- Make sure expiry is date
- Create negative inventory opening balances for SAP
- Upload reading gross validation, excluded 0.01 diff due to rounding
- Added fqty on total line computation, issue with fraction qty, ex 0.5
V8. 33.K01220
- W3P Stock Transfer synchronization updates
- Image deletion updates
- Set UOM issue on stock status filter
- Fixes for Ayala Tenant
- OCLP tenant updates
- Product type is now required on Master Upload
V8. 33.J12020
- Added UOM validation on existing records
- Fix PO signatories account on purchasing
- Supported star printer model (partial and full cut)
- Added prepost validation: credit payment duplicate posting
V8. 33.J11150
- Bypassed checking of custom barcode search if disabled
- Added additional restriction of invalid character input
- Allowed to enter code directly thru clerk ID in sales filter
- Allowed EC terminal to operate as client with limited function
- Added customer ID in transaction list in terminal
- Improved search sales record in terminal
- Allow sequence no to be set ('SYSTEM-WIDE-TERMINAL','fsequence_len')
- Fix sequence no of sales report
- Improved creation of journal to handle load
- Update the status of negative deposit when voided
- Supported xlxs
V8. 33.J10290
- Added % discount column on Sales Report by Product Excel Report
- Increased OR# Sequence Max Length to 7 Digits
V8. 32.J10160
- Supported partial auto-cut for Star Printer (enabled by system settings)
V8. 32.J10110
- NEW - supported dynamic tender method
V8. 31.J10090
- Supported pagination on wide receipt printout
V8. 31.J10040
- Updated BIR compliant computation
- Removed extra line in receipt when products are wrapped
V8. 31.J10020
- Increased maximum size of file on tenant upload
- Bugfix: Removal of records limit at UOM Combobox list
V8. 31.J09230
- Added paging to HQ UOM Master List
V8. 31.J09200
- Allow printing of quantity and UOM if quantity is equal to 1
- Include debit memo in generation of aging report
- Price level filter for all billing reports
- Added statement of account by balance
- Added over credit limit report
- SSP SCM generation
- Bugfix: Tender dialog in POS (did not copy the memo)
V8. 30.J09120
- Bugfix: Cannot save user in company login
- Supported new magnetic card format for login and timekeeping
V8. 30.J09110
- Additional changes in BIR compliance (BIR Summary Report)
V8. 30.J09100
- Supported Multiple Branches in Account Detail
- Bugfix: SOAP server params
V8. 29.J08280
- Supported Nationality Master
- Exclude address on hide/show option on Billing
- Bugfix: Purchasing issue on adding lotted product; Updated system qty to per lot
- Bugfix: Billing issue for voided memo on ledger distribution
V8. 28.J08130
- Bugfix: Error on ledger distribution for voided debit/credit memos
- Exclude address on contact details option to hide/show on Billing Terminal
V8. 28.J08050
- Initial version BIR Requirement July, 2019
- Corrected transaction list to include multiple selection of filter
V8. 28.J07290
- Incorrect create table for pos_terminal_layout
- Controlling running time for uploadSales and reading to make sure they wont reach httpd timeout
- Bugfix: w3p fixes for payment journal remarks trim and sales excess tender issue
V8. 27.J07250
- Auto turn on usage analyzer when CPU or response time reaches certain threshold
- Extra checking on delete all master data during upload
- Bugfix: Allow item not sell to be added to kit
V8. 27.J07240
- Festival Mall Tenant Updates
V8. 27.J07230
- Removed the upper boundary of period for downloading data
- Bugfix: Make CPosMgr::pos bindable to avoid warning
- Do not return delete log if the terminal is new
V8. 27.J07190
- Bugfix: In kiosk/fb, the keyboard popup will appear twice during reset configuration
- Improved kitchen monitoring to support separate product choices
- Moved verify posted transaction to start up only
V8. 26.J07170
- Supported interfacing with RFID
V8. 26.J07160
- Bugfix: Incorrect reading's gross in Powerplant's offline tenant data sending based on new tenant guidelines / Kiosk
V8. 26.J07120
- Supported Powerplant's new tenant guidelines wherein Sales Gross and Reading's NRGT must be equal (offline)
V8. 26.J07090
- Added proper handler on getting the drawer status
- Improved rendering of product menu
- Improved logon performance by turning read terminal request to off
- Created fail safe on callback when getting the drawer status
V8. 25.J07081
- Bugfix: Stop Sell error popup is unresponsive on F&B / Kiosk
V8. 25.J07080
- Validate sales to not allow to checkout if transaction's total qty is zero
V8. 26.J07020
- Supported JSST Integration
- Bugfix: Corrected Powerplant Multiple's way of getting the previous reading's gross
V8. 26.J06250
- Integrated WebPOS with Layout
- Supported Powerplant's new tenant guidelines wherein Sales Gross and Reading's NRGT must be equal (online)
- Bugfix: Source document link of inventory adjustment opens the old Inventory forms
V8. 25.J06210
- Supported overriding cashier logo on Billing terminal
V8. 25.J06200
- Exclude inactive accounts on setting account
V8. 25.J06110
- BIR Sales Summary Report Phase 1 changes
V8. 25.J06040
- Bugfix: Choice product with no add-on price displays previous product price
V8. 25.J05300
- Restrict sales order, collection access in terminal
V8. 25.J05290
- Modified exception checking on terminal reading upload
- Bugfix: Check payment info not printed on Billing Document
- Bugfix: Included cashier declaration header and detail when deleting the terminal data
V8. 25.J05150
- Updated Discount Master to support Discount/Coupon Codes
- Updated support on getting the product info thru custom barcode
- Applied Account's Branch Restriction to setting Authorization, Clerk, Supplier and Customer
V8. 24.J05140
- Bugfix: Corrected Caserta's offline tenant data
V8. 24.J05080
- Supported verifying the customer count on F&B's Dine In
V8. 24.J05070
- Major change in peer to peer http process to support different OS (Content-Length)
V8. 24.J04250
- Added system settings to override stop sell
- Updated file naming convention of Megaworld
- W3P updates on product lot
V8. 23.J04220
- Release OPOS V2
- Bugfix: Problems in deletePost in inventory (new engine)
- Bugfix: Various minor problems in purchasing module
- Added filter for delivered items with source document
V8. 23.J04160
- Automatically resize the product images in terminal to speed up loading
V8. 23.J04150
- Smoothing and aspect ratio of images in terminal
V8. 23.J04100
- Updated iphwcon to remove the debug filename as default
- Updated CPosHW to set the default of printer status to error and retry to 2 secs
- ipmonitor will poll every 2 secs (instead of 20 secs)
V8. 23.J04050
- Bugfix: Audit Trail's pagination
- Bugfix: No payment on create void transaction on Billing
V8. 23.J04030
- Caserta tenant data updates
- Bugfix: Billing's Collection and Sales Order list
V8. 23.J04010
- Added option to disable refresh menu during update of stop sell to prevent slow down (FREFRESH_MENU_EVENT)
V8. 23.J03270
- Updated index of sm_image to speed it up
V8. 22.J03260
- Excluded gross validation on TMS process sales for choice children
- Caserta's tenant data updates
- Used tenant code 5 for Megaworld's tagging of TM#
V8. 22.J03210
- Bugfix: Initialized sm_image's fcount on franchise module
- Supported Caserta's discount as part of the discount master
- Supported SM tenant data changes for Re-Accreditation
- Bugfix: Prevent merging of tables with price level and split bill
- Set System Usage Analyzer to disabled as default behavior
V8. 22.J03070
- Allow name, address to be overridden in collection
- Added Adjustment Type changes to Audit Trail
V8. 21.J02280
- Supported partial fulfillment of job order
- Added manufacturing code to product master lot
V8. 20.J02270
- Updated formulae of Gross Sales and Net Sales on BIR Sales Summary Report
V8. 20.J02200
- Supported exclusive government discount
- Supported post collection with rights
- Bugfix: Collection not posted properly
V8. 20.J02190
- Only show the last 2 chars of TM# on Line 2 of Megaworld's tenant data
V8. 19.J02150
- Supported qty left in stop sell
V8. 18.J02140
- Only retrieve Billing's Sales Order for specific branch if Own Branch filter is selected
- Updated Caserta's formulae on Net Sales and Gross Sales
V8. 18.J02080
- Supported excel output for sales transaction list and sales book in front end
- Generate journal, make sure we dont end up in endless loop if the reading was not uploaded properly
- Added bypass for sm_exception
- Added CRUD for filter
- Added get filter values for BI
- Added more interval for generate journal
V8. 18.J02040
- Bugfix: Product list price not shown on Product Menu under Product Category
- Added option to require change fund and/or pickup amount before Cashier Declaration
V8. 17.J01300
- Bugfix: Receipt footer not printed on Billing's Sales Invoice
V8. 17.J01180
- Bugfix: Schema error on cleaning DB records
- Used cashier declaration's updated date time on memo's date time
- Included ad detail when downloading images on F&B
V8. 17.J01160
- Added created timestamp in sales transaction for product
- Added bypass exception
- Fixed checking on document no during reading
- Added checking on gross sales for reading
- Perform z reading should return even when error is encountered
V8. 16.J01140
- Removed enforced settings on Reading to deduct tax from gross on MegaWorld and MegaWorld Multiple tenants
V8. 15.I12260
- Overhaul W3P to remove middleware
- Overhaul cleanRecord to avoid concurrency conflict
V8. 15.I12140
- Added more KPI in sales summary by period
- Added show price in browse product
- Added margin column in price list
V8. 14.I12120
- Create fail safe so we will not include cancelled pos_sale in order
- Added commit in saveOrder to make sure the sales will be saved even during offline
- Only retrieve active Gift Certificate type when using coupon payment
- Bugfix: F&B's Other Tenders were not responsive (Check and Points Redemption)
- Bugfix: iphwcon.exe crashes on OPOS
V8. 14.I12070
- Bugfix: Drawer not kicking if drawer is connected to the printer
V8. 14.I12060
- Added all IOErrorEvent for socket in terminal
- Included memo field on product search with keyword
- Supported new tenant data for Caserta (Acienda Outlet)
V8. 14.I12050
- NEW - Support PDF format for journal
- Print line 4-7 of Megaworld's hourly text file even if terminal has no hourly sales
V8. 14.I12030
- NEW - pick list, revert stock status, edit quantity
V8. 13.I11290
- Supported another code for custom barcode on getting the product info
V8. 13.I11270
- Bugfix: Incorrect qty on kitchen printout if branch has multiple station with different mode of product printing (separate & accumulate)
V8. 12.I11260
- Supported Reading Detail export in Excel format
- Supported Dual Cash Drawer
V8. 12.I11210
- Remove populate journal from initial download, limit the # of downloads to 10 days
- Do not display expiry if there is no lot no
V8. 12.I11130
- Removed auto update of lotno/expiry in product adjustment form to avoid confusion
- Added Basket Frequency Report
- After migration, pending fifo process should not include XXXXXX and 000000
- Bugfix: Error in sys getting company INVENTORY_FIFO_
- When accumulating product in terminal, do not accumulate product with different discount
- Added security access for opening sales record by period
- Bugfix: Corrected validation on add-on price of Product Choice Master upload
- Added security access checking on voiding Stock Transfer and Stock Count
V8. 12.I11090
- Added auto change company to facilitate seamless transfer of server
V8. 12.I11080
- Bugfix: During read terminal, should not perform reset terminal when rechecking the counters
- getLock should be DB independent
V8. 12.I11070
- Bugfix: Incorrect inventory type displayed if movement is zoomed from Stock Ledger list
- Updated file naming convention of Solaire's tenant data
- Added system settings to disable wide control commands on Kitchen Printout
V8. 12.I10310
- Added terminal option to require Cashier Declaration before Z Reading
- Added Cashier Name on Kitchen's Quick Serve
V8. 11.I10250
- Added vat exempt and zero-rated to Festival Mall's tenant data on Line 7 (non-taxable sales)
- Changed maximum character of manually define loyalty member id from 20 to 16
V8. 11.I10230
- Supported Solaire tenant data
- Added Cashier name on Kitchen Monitoring
- Added input restriction on Government Discount details
V8. 11.I10220
- Updates for BIR June 2018 Compliance
- Bugfix: Zero-rated sales not negated on Sales Return
- Bugfix: Terminal kept on initializing after reset if terminal has no transactions
V8. 11.I10190
- Merge the pending and allocation table to distribution table to speed up
- During migrate, make sure to add the ledger to verification process
V8. 10.I10170
- Bugfix: upload reading did not return any validated reading, hence it will keep re-uploading the same file
V8. 10.I10150
- NEW - support "pending" process for inventory FEFO/FIFO
- NEW - support rerouting of server based on company only
- Allow blocking of terminal from updating the server and using HQ
- Allow server to be deployed while migration is still in progress
- Allow FIFO/FEFO to distribute allocation to succeeding dates or all dates
- Bugfix: Incorrect value on Reading's Senior Citizen VAT Exempt
V8. 09.I10010
- Added total quantity on Stock Adjustment and Stock Transfer printout
V8. 09.I09270
- Added Adjustment Type option to allow the user to control posting adjustments on previous inventory dates
V8. 08.I09260
- Bugfix: Product Category level 5 not shown on Product Menu if menu will be retrieved offline
- Bugfix: Reversed the base price by removing the VAT when computing the master discount amount (price discount) when product line has PWD
V8. 08.I09250
- Updated conditions on retrieveing transctions with government discount on Sales Transaction List
- Bugfix: Corrected qty saved for unposted products (Unsummarized sales) when sold item used different UOM
V8. 08.I09210
- Bugfix: Message counter not incremented when cancelling Beep load transaction
V8. 08.I09170
- Added extra checking for create sales return
- Added flood control back when saving stock adjustment
- Supported tenant data changes of Ever Gotesco
V8. 08.I09120
- Supported cancellation of Beep's Manual Approval on load and voiding transactions
V8. 08.I09110
- Added adjustment type options for the user to specify qty on barcode when adding products on Inventory Adjustment forms
- Changed security access on setting/changing discounts from Discount Master
- Included all transactions with EVAT on Government Discount report
- Bugfix: Master can be saved even if no details were specified
- Bugfix: Terminal Detail popups were not visible from System Administration
- Changed Rockwell Club's hashing
V8. 07.I09060
- Set default value of diplomat discount from 12% to 0%
- Updated Stored Procedure on getting the stock status of product
V8. 07.I08300
- Added accummulate but separate per product choice in kitchen printing
- Consolidate the setting of default data for terminal
- Supported searching of fields in terminal
- Bugfix: Incorrect Stock Status if user is restricted to warehouse
- Bugfix: Restrict branch flag not included on dowloading of account
- Bugfix: Reading was reset to 1 after terminal reset
- Supported new computation of Ayala's NOTAXSALE (include zero-rated sales)
V8. 07.I08220
- Supported Rockwell Club's requirement to show the Sales Return original OR#
- Supported Robinson's tenant data changes (VAT computation)
- Added updated date time on Cashier Declaration printout
- Handled multiple saving of Adjustment when pressing [ENTER] key succeedingly
- Added system settings to compress data on TMS upload
- Bugfix: Sales Summary by Product is not grouped by Franchisee if shown by branch
- Bugfix: Open drawer command is sent even if Change Fund amount is empty
V8. 07.I08200
- Supported Generate Journal
- Supported search customer's email in terminal
V8. 07.I08101
- Bugfix: Service charge not include on Reading printout
- Removed app name from BTQ/FB's login (BIR requirement)
V8. 07.I08100
- Bugfix: Items not shown Purchasing's Reorder requirement even if it's below the reorder qty
- Moved the BTQ/FB's Build# at the bottom of the version details
V8. 07.I08070
- Added version details on Terminal settings; changed BTQ/FB's welcome screen image
- Supported PDF, Excel and email function on Branch and Warehouse master
- Added security access on setting Delivery's Auto Receipt and Stock Replacement of Purchasing
- Enabled journal and set default journal directory on Terminal settings
- Added power logo version on Company settings
- Set 1,100 as default for Days to retain sales in terminal (BIR requirement)
V8. 06.I08060
- Released Business Intelligence module
V8. 05.I07270
- Bugfix: Corrected get transaction list limit
V8. 05.I07250
- Fixed cyclic error on fireScript due to cloudflare
- Supported fpopulate_all_sales for system, company and terminal specific settings
- Bugfix: CGetTransaction, did not include 6150
- Bugfix: Fixed retry function on Beep payments for successful transaction after retry
- Bugfix: Total beep not included on receipt printout on reprint
- Omit Points Earned and Loyalty Sales from Reading printout
- Retrieved Transaction Detail's sale time from posted date
V8. 05.I07230
- Allow user to edit cost on Stock Count
- Unable to view Statement of Account report (error on printing Statement)
- Added security access checking on new Adjustment form when voiding inventory movement
V8. 05.I07180
- Supported Upload in Purchasing Module
- Supported updating status of multiple products on Kitchen Monitoring
- Added Kitchen Station option to print transaction memo
V8. 04.I07130
- Supported requested UOM and base uom in monitoring purchased items
V8. 03.I07120
- Restored the primary supplier in product master
- Bugfix: Stock balance not displayed on Stock Count detail when products are added from Batch Selection
V8. 03.I07110
- supported multiple suppliers for product
- supported PWD, DIP % display for new BIR compliance
- disabled index data
- Applied new sequencing of document no on Beep
- Bugfix: Station products from Station Detail not updated if existing list is edited
V8. 03.I07090
- Bugfix: sequencing of document no and recno
- allow user to change default UOM of purchasing forms
- Bugfix: Inactive products were included on Adjustment's product search
- Bugfix: Product's stock balance not included on searching product from Adjustment's search by barcode
V8. 02.I07051
- Used UOM's Decimal Qty as Decimal Precision of Inventory Quantity
V8. 02.I07050
- added barcode entry for forms in purchasing module
V8. 02.I07040
- Added authorization on cancelling Beep requests
V8. 02.I07030
- add exception for upload reading, local key change, and local db error
- use new technique in sequencing the document and recno to make sure no skipping and no duplicates
V8. 01.01.I07020
- Added terminal settings to limit printing of receipt for Accounting or Store copy
- Adjusted the width of document status (created, updated) on Inventory Reports
- Added Upload code on searching from Audit Trail
V8. 00.00.I06280
- Supported line memo on Stock Adjustment, Transfer and on Stock Count
- Bugfix: Senior tax ID not retrieved upon getting saved transaction
V7. 99.99.I06270
- Bugfix: Kit parent not displayed on Kitchen Monitoring
- Bugfix: must close terminal connection upon exit
- Added filter on Branch Master's Kitchen Station products
V7. 99.99.I06260
- Bugfix: Corrected Beep Load Transaction printout for manually approved transactions
- Bugfix: Corrected retry function for Beep's pending payment requests
- revamped kitchen printing, supported more product printing option
V7. 99.99.I06220
- NEW - BIR June 2018 Compliance
- added zcounter to speed up searching of open transaction
- save recall will now include those from local data
- download inventory status will be restricted to 30min interval
V7. 98.98.I06210
- Added system settings to allow company/system to view full Transaction Count Graph on Dashboard
- Added system settings to allow company/system to bypass specific email domain from email validation
- PWD must be net of VAT on Robinson's tenant data (Line27)
- Bugfix: Beep request counter was incremented twice
V7. 98.98.I06200
- Bugfix: Product qty is not multiplied on recomputing the PWD Discount
- (only if computation is not rounded off - function used by gt_discount)
V7. 98.98.I06190
- Beep - POS to automatically resend pending transactions when request failed to get response from device
- (Beep response code - 09; error handling when device is disconnected from POS)
- Beep - Added non-receipt header and footer on Load Transaction printout
- Bugfix: Purchase UOM not set on Product Master upload
- Bugfix: VAT Exempt not included on Ayala Multiple's NOTAXSALE
V7. 98.98.I06180
- Beep's Manual Approval should not be triggered when request was not received by device
- Included tender amount on Beep's load transaction
- Bugfix: Beep details not included on receipt printout
V7. 97.97.I06080
- Stock Adjustment and Transfer cost accept up to 6 decimal places
- Added terminal option to require info when applying Government Discounts
V7. 97.97.I06060
- save/recall must include data from local database
- set maximum width of Product Category's combobox on Product Batch Selection
- applied product highlight on Billing's product list
V7. 97.97.I05310
- consider final sales when there is zcounter during upload sales
- tweak upload sales to process batch per lock / changed wait time to 5 secs
- BUG - changed the upload sales interval to 1 minute (not per second) after each failed attempt
V7. 97.97.I05270
- Updated cashier declare per terminal per z reading
- Updated upload sales to use 2 secs wait time
- Updated upload inventory to use locking mechanism (10 secs)
- update last probe whenever last post is updated to make sense
V7. 96.96.I05230
- moved the price level, customer group and account subsidiary master to account list
- Bugfix: unbilled transaction, commit/rollback, computing statement date
- Reorder qty's decimal precision is based on UOM's decimal qty
- Implemented case-insensitive searching on price product/category list
V7. 96.96.I05210
- Added Diplomat VAT Exempt on Reading details
- Bugfix: No results found on Purchasing's Search Expected Delivery
- upgraded Session control
V7. 96.96.I05080
- eSales' Taxable Sales must be Net of VAT
V7. 96.96.I05070
- Supported new BIR requirements on PWD
- Added product id as reference details on error message when deleting master data
- Added security access level on BTQ/FB's Repeat Last Item
V7. 95.95.I05042
- made Beep's balance inquiry and heartbeat request optional on system settings
- Bugfix: Handled exceptions on beep's response to prevent the iphwcon from crashing
- upgraded Session control
V7. 95.95.I05040
- implement lock control when posting sales
- upload sales
- Inventory - adjustment, transfer, count
- purchasing - delivery, receiving
- batch - summarize pos to inventory, inventory verification
- new mutex using lock
- removed pos summary during upload reading
V7. 95.95.I05030
- remove deadlock for sm_replication_status
- NEW - added portal library
- fixed CRUD update logic
- use auto increment for sequence of inv_adjust
V7. 94.94.I04160
- Bugfix: Terminal's audit log not added (incorrect object data)
- Bugfix: Terminal's audit log not uploaded
V7. 94.94.I04130
- Bugfix: Incorrect quantity on unsold items if warehouse is specified
- Only include terminals that are allowed to settle on Ayala Multiple tenant data
- Initialize reading's line counter based on previous reading
V7. 94.94.I04030
- Bugfix: terminal keep downloading, using poll
- improved inventory transaction documents
- supported stock count with multiple serial no entry
V7. 94.94.I04020
- Added updated date index on pos_order
- Added access level restriction on voiding inventory movements
- Limit character length on order's product name and sale's reprint flag to fix mysql error
- Bugfix: Fixed offline dbf output of Ayala tenant data
V7. 93.93.I03260
- Minor upgrades - stop sell, table wait time icons
- Bugfix: Computation for inclusive tax if senior discount is taxable
V7. 93.93.I03230
- NEW - Added Stop Sell
- Bugfix: Added proper encoding on Product Master Template
V7. 93.93.I03211
- Included VAT Exempt on Non Tax Sales for Ayala tenant data (offline)
V7. 93.93.I03210
- used stored procedure in generating product status
- Bugfix: stored procedure on get_stock_status contains error in trxdate
V7. 92.92.I03190
- NEW - Terminal Audit Trail
- Added option (tenant code 5) to exclude EOD data for JMall tenant data
- Supported Product Choice Master upload
V7. 91.91.I03140
- Bugfix: Vat exempt not negated on sales return
- NEW - Government Discount List
- Included vat exempt for Non Tax fields of Rockwell Powerplant
- Included PWD Discount on Non Tax Sales for Robinson
- Added new trigger for Beep heartbeat request
- Added notification when Beep device is disconnected during heartbeat request
V7. 91.91.I03070
- Added checking for product lot in inventory upload
V7. 91.91.I03060
- allow posting of GC by not using the online verification
- when product is check for unique, no need to activate the check product lot
V7. 91.91.I03020
- minor adjustment to support screen size of 800x600
- Bugfix: no period restriction for deposit list
V7. 91.91.I03010
- added transaction type in voided product list
- supported offline quantity checking during post sales
- no period restriction for sales report by product if product id is specified
- no period restriction for transaction list if customer is specified
- increased period restriction for sales by product to 1000 days
- Bugfix: cashier report - make sure not to include cash sales in computation of credit
- Bugfix: should not check for lot no during inventory upload if off
- supported php7 for excel reader
V7. 91.91.I02260
- sales comparison, make it compare between similar dates regardless of no sale
- adjusted stock adjustment product cost to show comma during view mode
- changed date restriction default from 31 days to 100 days
- supported download of Account Master template
V7. 91.91.I02230
- updated MPL to support searching of product, and corrected focus on search on fly
- adjusted views for smaller POS resolution (Transaction Detail, Browse Product, Counter)
- MegaWorld tenant data changes (moved Line9 to Line8)
- Supported download of Account Master template
V7. 91.91.I02200
- supported eReceipt enhancements
- imnproved download implementation of Product Master template
V7. 90.90.I02190
- Bugfix: Split bill has incorrect qty on Kit products
V7. 90.90.I02140
- supported table occupancy indicator
- Bugfix: split should consider group product
- supported prompt qty for weighed items
- supported disable split, table movement per terminal
V7. 89.89.I02090
- Bugfix: products with non tax/vat exempt should not change product type if applied senior discount
V7. 89.89.I02050
- remove the update_resource
- optimize search open transaction and checking of open transaction by using index
- Bugfix: corrected pear, to make sure commit/rollback will revert auto commit back
- optimized cashier report list to use correct index
- Bugfix: sales report by product, should not include unposted sales, optimized
- added period restriction
- pos media ledger kept returning primary key error, use replace into for now
- Bugfix: avoid using mutex in post point redemption
- speed up searching for open transaction
V7. 88.88.I01250
- major enhancements on commit/rollback for sales and inventory
- major enhancements on inventory verification
- major enhancements on sales summarization, integrate into one
- Bugfix on voided delivered products
- make sure that new tables will be added as InnoDB
- raise error duing sql execution failure
- soap, add log information during internal db connection
V7. 87.87.I01160
- new flood control
- Bugfix: inconsistency between fpdf and CPdf on Image and AddPage
- reverted the created date of sales products for NAIA
V7. 86.86.I01160
- Removed last week, last month average in transaction count
V7. 86.86.I01150
- Bugfix: wrong db patch for account manual distribution (ledger)
- Bugfix: pear/mysql did not return the correct inserted id
V7. 86.86.I01040
- supported PHP7
- NEW - added usage analyzer
- added extra indexes to media ledger and account master
- Supported Ever Gotesco Mall tenant data
V7. 85.85.H12290
- NEW - Supported ledger distribution
- soap, extended time out
- CDownloadStockAdjustment - add join to company to make it faster
V7. 83.83.H12120
- Supported Epson Red/Black printing on Kitchen printout's voided product line
- Bugfix: added customer type id on downloading accounts
- display customer input as password when loyalty program is activated
V7. 83.83.H12080
- add use index in searching for last receipt
V7. 83.83.H11270
- Bugfix: Negate Vat Exempt on Sales Return
- Bugfix: Added discount master db changes on base local db
- Supported Araneta Center's tenant data (offline)
V7. 83.83.H11220
- Bugfix: bug in FEFO postTransferee - wrong doctype and trxlink
- Purchasing Reorder Alert -> Reorder Requirement
- added probing on Beep to check device status
- Bugfix: handled Beep response code on retry (new event)
V7. 82.82.H11030
- Supported Credit Reversal in Pickup amount
- Bugfix: Mutex control should return false if it involves in deadlock
- increase mutex acquire for update inventory to 60mins
V7. 81.81.H10250
- Supported new government computation base - Oct 2017
V7. 80.80.H10230
- NEW - supported offline inventory transaction in BTQ/FB
V7. 79.79.H10190
- Supported Evia tenant data
- Supported Araneta Center Multiple tenant data export and applied computation updates
- Applied Megaworld tenant data changes (offline)
- Applied Festival Mall tenant data changes on line 8 and 10
V7. 79.79.H10120
- Ali Mall Support = do not include discounts
- Supported Eton and Eton Multiple tenant data
- Bugfix: Refresh Auto-complete Combo Box's data provider on reset
- Set Credit Card to empty on BTQ/F&B payment
- Purchasing module updates
- Bugfix: Reset response data before accepting new request for Beep (iphwcon)
V7. 78.78.H10020
- NEW - Purchasing Module
- Double the probing interval in terminal
V7. 76.76.H09290
- Save recall, when checking for existing open transaction, limit only to 7 days to speed up
- Bugfix: Make sure ' is corrected in search index
- Supported Upsell on Billing
- Bugfix: Supported Epson Red/Black printing on all Epson-Compatible printer type
- Bugfix: UI fixes on Add New Customer window
V7. 76.76.H09190
- Added kitchen option to group products by clerk on printout
- Included customer count on kitchen printout
- Bugfix: Epson Red/Black printing options value not displayed on Terminal Detail
V7. 75.75.H09130
- Changed tenant type Ali Coin to Araneta Center
- Set tenant ID�s maxchar to 32
- Removed simultaneous problem on inventory balance update
- Supported Epson Black/Red printing
- Bugfix: Corrected Super Admin access level
- Do Not Open Drawer on Reprint
- Bugfix: Limit Lot No on Multiple Serial from 40 to 24 characters
- Bugfix: Email not sent on account registration
- Added batch script to export product master template on CSV (appserv/app/batch/export_product_template.php)
- Revert Megaworld to old requirements
- Included loyalty redeemed points on Line 16 for Megaworld tenant data
V7. 74.74.H08300
- Kitchen monitor enhancement - quick serve, custom label, etc
- Enhanced upload reading
V7. 73.73.H08170
- Fixed front page that requires Adobe Flash
- Bugfix: Stamps-activated company cannot verify customer on charge payment
- Bugfix: Restrict Stamps customers from using Charge payment
- Limit product's lot no maxchar to 24 on BTQ/FB
V7. 73.73.H08100
- Adjusted Lot/Expiry on receipt printout
V7. 73.73.H08070
- Supported background inventory update
- Bugfix: Stock Count's total cost was not updated when changing warehouse
V7. 72.72.H08030
- Added terminal option to include kit components on receipt
- Changed Manage Price List view from list to filter
- Supported fuzzy search on BTQ/FB
- Added checking to make sure all sales are uploaded before uploading the cashier declaration
- Enable search filter on view mode only for Inventory Report details
- Include vat exempt on No Tax Sale for Ayala tenant data (online only)
- Supported new computation for Rockwell Powerplant Mall1 (include service charge on vatable sales - online
V7. 72.72.H07260
- Added option in transaction list to show memo
- Added option on terminal setting to verify customer count on settle
V7. 71.71.H07200
- Included PWD on government discount for Greenhills tenant data
- Supported Media Tender report on SOAP
- Added super admin login for terminal
- Initial check in of W3P
V7. 71.71.H07060
- Hide Download Progress windows during application update
- Set sale's posted date on Raw Sales File instead of sales product's created date
V7. 70.70.H06290
- Supported eReceipt
- Supported Gift Receipt
- Supported Megaworld's new requirements (change filename convention and tenant id length)
V7. 70.70.H06230
- Enhanced manage price list (detail section)
V7. 70.70.H06200
- Allow to set default packing on FB/Kiosk: Dine In or Take Out
- Rename terminal setting "Disable Customer Search" to "Disable Loyalty Customer on Search"
V7. 69.69.H06130
- Added new way to get sequence number for ledger
- Allow Kitchen to be assigned to specific floor
- Removed E-VAT from Senior Discount for Festival tenant data
V7. 68.68.H06020
- Bugfix: No discount master retrieved on product discount
- Implemented new version of fuzzy search
- Optimized the sm_setting update
V7. 68.68.H05260
- Added terminal option to disable customer search
- Masked loyalty member id on customer details
- Bugfix: Discount master applied on transaction not reflected on reprint
- Allow scanning of loyalty card (card prefix has been added on loyalty program settings)
- Added update index to improve downloading of accounts, products and product lot
V7. 67.67.H05240
- Bugfix: Applied "Do Not Print Statistics If Zero" on z reading - cashier report lines
- Bugfix: Cannot proceed on settlement if gross is zero
- Set SYSTEM-fmenu_category_maxline default value to -1 (no limit)
V7. 67.67.H05230
- Bugfix: Reset attachments on new mails
- Bugfix: Incorrect memo printed on receipt
- Dev Note: potential bug in CModel GS20170517, primary key should be included in condition even if blank
V7. 67.67.H05160
- Bugfix: Added receipt header on Ayala Tenant Data
- Added transaction validation on payments
- Made terminal settings defaults to "Yes, must equal sales"
- Bugfix: Cannot view product details when type is Article Line
- Added loyalty computation on Product Master upload template
- Bugfix: Moved the retrieval of info to print receipt to allow hook to work
V7. 67.67.H05040
- Bugfix: Incorrect tenant date on Ayala Tenant Data
- Allow searching of sales by period on BTQ/FB's Open Sales Record
- Bugfix: Product discount list are not removed after clearing the discount
- Added system settings for FB's product category menu maxlines (SYSTEM-fmenu_category_maxline), default maxline is 250
V7. 67.67.H04210
- Changed behaviour of PDF output
- Accumulate will now join the same price list
- Added confirmation to only print ayala tenant data on reprint reading (online)
V7. 67.67.H04190
- Bugfix: PWD & Diplomat info were not deleted after discount reset
- Bugfix: PWD & Diplomat discounts not included on Transaction Bill
- Supported Sales Report by Product on API
- Corrected maximum length of payment term's interest & downpayment percent
- Added period filter on Tenant Data List
- Included "Branch" on Sales Transaction List excel report
- Master upload - set proper encoder
- Corrected endless loop during upload of cashier declaration
V7. 66.66.H04060
- Restrict adding of Mobile Inventory terminal to admin
- Bugfix: Incorrect ayala tenant data on HQ > Sales Book
- Added options on requiring cashier declaration before cashier report
- Added security access to allow zero/empty cashier declaration
- Bugfix: Incorrect total qty and total displayed on Voided Product List
- Added params on printing ayala tenant data for Ayala (Multiple Terminals)
V7. 66.66.H03270
- Used USE INDEX to solve table query optimization in sales by product report
- Added limit options on Discount Master
- Added new terminal type for Mobile Inventory
- Changed Ayala Tenant Data printout (added header and fields: Raw Gross, Transaction, Customer Count)
- Bugfix: Kit products not added on F&B transactions if SYSTEM-finclude_kit_component = 0
V7. 65.65.H03210
- Printed products on kitchen when F&B transaction is voided
- Bugfix: Reset cash payment on billing if payment term has changed
- Bugfix: No payment saved if billing sales order is posted from HQ
- Changed queue time label display on F&B
V7. 65.65.H03160
- Added billing module to quick search
- Added system settings to include kit components on sales products (SYSTEM-finclude_kit_component)
V7. 65.65.H03080
- Supported quick search
- Added function on Product Master to download template (ready for upload)
V7. 64.64.H02200
- Bugfix: No authorization prompt on Split Bill when previous authorization was cancelled
- Bugfix: No supervisor id set on changing senior discount on Floor (Dine In)
V7. 64.64.H02100
- Changed template format to blob
- Bugfix: during upload sale, the routine may go to endless loop if data is too big and it encounters time out error
- NAIA New Computation Support (Supported zero rated, new computation on PWD, etc)
V7. 63.63.H02090
- Adjusted Transaction Detail view for smaller pos screen resolution
- Bugfix: Incorrect number of items on print bill
V7. 63.63.H01300
- Added search filter on Stock Adjustment, Transfer, Stock Count and Batch Registration form
- Enabled searching by reference no on Inventory reports
V7. 63.63.H01270
- Supported reading by product by code
- Removed non-critical errors during download
V7. 63.63.H01190
- Bugfix: must show all site in price check of billing
V7. 63.63.H01180
- Consolidated number of records and number of detail rows
- Bugfix: Sales Report by Product should use archive db during pdf/excel output
- Increased the number of download for populate product price
- Bugfix: Force download deletes the original file
- Bugfix: No rental computation (line#28) for Robinsons tenant data
- Bugfix: Changed ticket # implementation to get the max ticket no per branch
- Bugfix: Deposit can no longer be claimed when reference transaction is voided
- Added source terminal of order on print bill's ticket no
V7. 63.63.H01110
- Supported new formula for PWD, DIP
V7. 63.63.H01090
- Bugfix: Exclude kit components on kitchen printout
V7. 63.63.H01060
- Enhancements on Account Ledger List (zoomable to statement of account)
V7. 63.63.H01030
- Bugfix: Flood control, should not return 999 (this is reserved for session)
- Bugfix: Corrected period selectable range on hq filters
- Bugfix: Missing orders on split bill
- Bugfix: Product reorder can't be edited
V7. 63.63.G12270
- Bugfix: Bluebay tenant connection will result in save error (duplicate key)
- Added terminal zero out feature
V7. 62.62.G12240
- Bugfix: Error in PK if used in FB between floor and counter
V7. 62.62.G12212
- Made primary key error detection smarter
- Moved get next order ticket no to memory
- Bugfix: Counter in FB has error during settlement when assigning source
V7. 62.62.G12190
- Tracked updated by ip upon saving of inventory documents
- Added checking if order is settled on get table orders
V7. 61.61.G12070
- Auto-hide FB order list (right panel) when no table is selected
- Restrict input on customer name and memo to avoid invalid characters
- Fixed table locking on table transfer
- Fixed lot and product inventory verification loop when terminal is offline
- Bugfix: Grouped tables appear unoccupied if tables are not selected
- Bugfix: Gift Certificate amount not updated when edited on master detail
- Bugfix: No table number on split bill receipt
- Increased number of document type to 30
V7. 60.60.G12010
- Changed to combobox (from auto complete) for inventory adjustment forms
- Fixed lot verification loop when terminal is offline
- Bugfix: exclude kit components on Transaction Bill total items
- Bugfix: exclude kit components on Z Reading product summary
- Speed up get next recno
V7. 60.60.G11150
- Added table locking on transfer
- Added Product Kit master on upload
- Supported Kit product type on product master upload
- Bugfix: Corrected wholesale total charge problem
- Bugfix: FB table has no source flag when order is settled on Floor > Counter
V7. 60.60.G11110
- Bugfix: fix download missing sales loop
V7. 60.60.G11080
- Added progress during initial download
- Added F&B transfer table restriction
- Bugfix: sales report by product must return doctype to zoom to sales order document
- Making sure that gross of wholesale is computed based on details
- Bugfix: repost sales - error in deleting wholesale products
- Making download reading summary as background, other processes more officient
- Making initial download better
- Converted to ZIP file when emailing
- Bugfix: cashier declaration amount not updated when edited row is not selected
V7. 60.60.G10210
- Supported BlueBay tenant data sending
V7. 60.60.G10200
- Added account logon restriction to assigned branch
V7. 59.59.G10140
- Added checking to make sure that wholesale will not be overwritten by old records
- Bugfix: Use inventory date if zooming from wholesale summary in stock ledger
- Bugfix: Added max chars for address, contact and memo. Increased size to 255 chars
V7. 58.58.G09210
- Supported Ayala tenant data extaction updates (offline)
- Bugfix: Stamps voiding of transactions with redemptions
- Bugfix: Should preserve the taxt type of saved transactions
- Added security checking on saving transaction on tender window
V7. 58.58.G08310
- Exclude EWT (Extended Withholding Tax) on zero rated and non taxable
V7. 58.58.G08220
- Suported Stamps points redemption
- Added page control on searching product category detail
V7. 57.57.G08180
- Added product kit name on Stock Ledger memo
- Improved Sales Report filters
- Bugfix: table orders not updated when joining split bills
V7. 57.57.G08100
- Changed focus scroll bar on master records
- Corrected UOM multiplier on adding products from Barcode field on Stock Count
- Bugfix: should only display active price level on BTQ/FB
- Corrected customer count format for Ayala Multiple tenant data
V7. 57.57.G08010
- Supported EWT (Extended Withholding Tax)
V7. 56.56.G07270
- Added branch filter in point transaction even for single company
- Improved inventory transaction type, added allow edit cost
- NEW - Limited Release
- Improved Sales Report filters
- Added fuzzy search on audit trail
- Bugfix: should delete the product choice detail in btq once product choice (parent) has been changed in HQ
- Supported transaction memo
V7. 55.55.G07130
- Fixed senior tax computation (should not be on top of PWD)
- Fixed deposit claim concern on save/recall
- Product choice improvement - no need to ask if answer is obvious
- Billing, corrected direct email of statement
V7. 55.55.G07050
- Added full text search for master
- Added reference code to collection
- Added rollback support for reprocess pos sales
V7. 54.54.G06290
- Change debit/credit memo max characters for numbers
- Show reference code and PO no in sales order list (client and HQ)
- Supported commit/rollback for inventory
V7. 54.54.G06240
- Added price level on wholesale module options
V7. 54.54.G06160
- Separated Ayala Tenant data from the z reading printout
V7. 54.54.G06070
- Updated Rockwell Powerplant Mall 2 for offline tenant data
- Fixed transfer to table on F&B's Individual Layout
V7. 54.54.G05260
- Added UOM filter on stock status and stock ledger search
V7. 53.53.G05160
- Changed search warehouse from combo to dialog in wholesale module
- Make sure to reset the transmit flag of the sales, in case they will be overridden in the server
V7. 53.53.G05110
- Fixed online validation on pre-post sales
- Fixed Sales Summary by Product concern (after applying the optimization update)
V7. 53.53.G05020
- Changed NAIA specs again on distribution of 0.01
- Added back cashier, customer, clerk filter in sales by product, but will search raw data
- Added email alert if there are multiple local errors
V7. 53.53.G04220
- Show exclusive tax in sales header, changed V to VX
- Supported system wide setting on direct settle on recalled transactions
- Added show list price option on stock status
- Updated Megaworld and Megaworld Multiple, removed * 1.12 on PWD discount
- Updated NAIA, moved EVAT from other discount to scdiscount
V7. 53.53.G04200
- Supported non receipt header and footer for x,z readings
- Supported salesbook during offline mode (limited function)
- Added system-wide settings for terminal
V7. 52.52.G04180
- Changed formula of NAIA Line 12, removed .TXT
- Updated front page to update write up, brand logo and copyright
V7. 52.52.G04130
- Allowed to register users email to max 64 chars
- Supported VAT exempt sales
- Added standalone terminal settings
- Bugfix: compute product line doubles the reversal of inclusive tax when paired with non taxable customer
- Updated product upload, added VAT Exempt
- Updated account upload, added VAT Exempt, removed fvat_flag (no use)
V7. 51.51.G04090
- Added option to allow GC Type to be disabled as tender option
- Added non receipt header
- Changed default settings for terminal header to include official receipt statement
V7. 50.50.G03080
- Fixed error in search price list
- if upload sales data fails, should set pending so that it will upload once online
- in deposit, must also check local data
- add recurring function and period in GC Type
V7. 49.49.G03030
- added alert if advanced date
- Bugfix: XmlToObject - 0 are converted to "", hence the SOAP call will always result in error
V7. 49.49.G02290
- allow manage price list to copy to new document
- added subsidy to megaworld readings
V7. 49.49.G02230
- Consolidate all custom company settings to SYSTEM- (FROM DEF_)
fmax_product_line_search - limits the number of product lines during search
fcompute_unit_price_list - allow to set whether to compute the unit price
fproduct_search_mode - 0: product id, product name, 1: product name, generic name
V7. 48.48.G02220
- Bugfix: auto fix product that has no UOMID, resulting in order to be settled
- change captcha to 4 numbers only
V7. 48.48.G02180
- Fixed uom qty when adding directly from stock adjustment quick entry
V7. 48.48.G02100
- Updated Robinson formula on non-tax sales
- increased initial configuration / reset terminal to 2 minutes, speed up the SQL during this process
- Set the default value of MEM to 0
V7. 48.48.G02090
- added collection product type
V7. 48.48.G02070
- Bugfix: corrected header/footer printout (missing 1st line)
V7. 48.48.G02020
- Bugfix: reposting sales do not recreate the daily balance for multiple site (wrong logic)
- released 2.25 of iphwcon to support panasonic machines
- make sale by product leaner by removing customer, clerk and cashier
V7. 48.48.G01280
- Supported Rockwell Club
- increased product menu import to 5MB
- Bugfix: Cashier declaration has error since if there are multiple terminals in same location
- Bugfix: reinstated update last sold during inventory summarization
V7. 47.47.G01120
- Center header and footer with line break
- Added Rockwell Club
- Updated Ayala txt file (field length)
V7. 47.47.G01070
- allow slow terminal to search online when possible
- enhanced customize printing for receipt
V7. 46.46.F12290
- add company specific customization to terminal
- allow faster initialization
- added search card name in media tender report
V7. 46.46.F12220
- Updated Ayala TXT file
- supported new requirement for Ayala (separate TXT, printout)
V7. 46.46.F12080
- Bugfix: print footer wont work properly
V7. 46.46.F12010
- changed version name
- upgraded billing system (revamped sales order document, added ship to)
V7. 45.45.F1127
- added ship to master table
- supported default salesman/clerkid
V7. 44.44.F11250
- Changed formula of Megaworld
- shorten sales by period search for pre-EOD transaction
V7. 44.44.F11240
- Bugfix: position return 1 if there is offset, this creates infinite loop in wraplines
- make the download office sales faster
V7. 44.44.F11230
- added support for JSON in SOAP
- added business type and non-receipt footer
- Bugfix: corrected SMCoin computation to include qty during computation of regular discount
V7. 43.43.F1118
- supported Ayala multiple files dumpling
V7. 43.43.F11120
- changed Greenhills computation to reflect special discount (3)
- supported Felcris based on SM Coin
V7. 43.43.F10300
- supported multiple terminals for Sta Lucia
V7. 43.43.F10280
- Supported new BIR mandate to add customer info
- non existing customer, product will be downloaded if retrieved from server
- Bugfix: incorrect line discount, it doubled the free discount items (discount 3)
V7. 42.42.F10270
- supported multi level product menu with highlight and pictures
V7. 41.41.F10210
- remove old records will delete old records not belonging to the terminal regarless of sent status
- add BIRCODE and "O" prefix for e-sales
V7. 41.41.F10160
- Supported Alliance WebPOS TMS External
- DEV NOTE = allow terminal to stop sending when local IP is blank its its overidden
V7. 41.41.F10120
- add time correction in determining which is newer order
V7. 41.41.F10090
- Bugfix: cashier report should filter the dine in / take out amount
- supported computation of price list during inventory upload
V7. 41.41.F10070
- Bugfix: unit price of product in search window is incorrect if no UOM
V7. 41.41.F10010
- Bugfix: recompute did not include the account transaction type (minor change)
- Bugfix: saving company user branch pointed to blank companyid
- do not include voided transaction in verifying for upload sales
V7. 41.41.F09300
- Bugfix: recompute did not include the account transaction type
- added restriction for entering zero price product
- increased processing timeout for sales movement analysis
V7. 41.41.F09210
- Bugfix: update db will not be overriden by customize db update
- TMS- support upload via file/ftp from WebPOS client
- show extra decimal in product reading
V7. 41.41.F09160
- Bugfix: searching customer in btq/FB included non active account
V7. 41.41.F09100
- allow user to hide zero net quantity in sales by product
- added takeout display in sales report by product
- Bugfix: F&B Cashier declaration added edit button
V7. 41.41.F09090
- Bugfix: F&B Cashier declaration is erroneous when using popup numeric keypad and scroll
- supported UOM filter in searching for list price in inventry transaction
V7. 40.40.F09040
- allow product images to be downloaded to mobile
- supported selection of list price or cost for inventory transaction
V7. 39.39.F09010
- Do not allow to override an existing order if the local db has more products
V7. 39.39.F08280
- Bugfix: customize subtotal discount was not included in computing of inclusive vat of each line
- Bugfix: logging in when there are no company in HQ
- Bugfix: price inquiry error and ad adjustment
- Bugfix: reading did not show PWD Discount
V7. 39.39.F08240
- added dine in / take out filter in sales report by product, transaction list
V7. 39.39.F08230
- supported MEM for senior citizen
V7. 39.39.F08190
- do not allow negative charges/credit/etc due to cash changes
V7. 39.39.F08140
- Bugfix: tms access list
- Bugfix: adding adjustment to product line has errors in rounding off
- added impose limit, amount to debit card upload
V7. 39.39.F08120
- add print product to station when saved
- show extended display when opening counter
V7. 39.39.F08110
- added show raw total for products during reading
- Bugfix: zoom in from select report by product error
V7. 38.38.F08030
- DEV NOTE _ added require cashier declaration before cashier report
- added limit for debit card
- updated sorting in get shop floor
- added print to shelf tag (printer)
V7. 37.37.F07280
- added special discount for subtotal
V7. 37.37.F07240
- Bugfix: support decimal type 2
V7. 37.37.F07230
- Bugfix: support decimal type
- support new alphaland requirement
V7. 37.37.F07211
- NEW - added Felcris support
V7. 37.37.F07014
- NEW - add product grouping in product menu
V7. 35.35.F07013
- Bugfix: Local socket listener problem
V7. 35.35.F07080
- added group by price in sales report by product
- added mutex control in repost_pos_sales
V7. 35.35.F07070
- Bugfix: added diplomat discount in rockwell tenant file
- corrected OCLP line 5 (should deduct tax)
V7. 35.35.F07020
- added previous cost to product master
V7. 35.35.F06290
- Bugfix: uncompressed return will result in uploader to fail
- added discount filter and display in sales by product report
V7. 35.35.F06250
- NEW - support discount master for product
- added probe timeout adjustment
V7. 34.34.F06190
- NEW - added secured mode
- NEW - added discount master
- improved reset order for F&B
V7. 33.33.F06160
- added cost to reorder list
- added option to print product choices
- added search in managed login
- Fixed inefficiency in franchise condition
V7. 33.33.F06040
- NEW - Initial version of TMS
V7. 32.32.F06010
- Bugfix: allow price product to be download using link priceid
V7. 32.32.F05220
- supported display sync using scroll
V7. 32.32.F05150
- added paging in manage price list
- added paging in server list
- added FIFO/LIFO companies to rebuild balance
- added zero rated tax type in upload product master
V7. 32.32.F05050
- Bugfix: pick up amount should not be included in the collection in cashier report
- synchronize product selection with secondary display
- improve interval to upload pending transaction
- Bugfix: return the correct total in search pending transaction
V7. 32.32.F04300
- converted article line selection to touch
V7. 32.32.F04280
- Bugfix: fzero_rated_sale shoule be coalesced so that no tax sale would yield value
- Bugfix: from control panel, load terminal points to wrong company
V7. 32.32.F04230
- added privacy policy link
- include added price in choice to base price in receipt
- auto add check digit to product master EAN13, so that when we scan, we can include it
V7. 31.31.F04200
- OCLP - support all 24 hourly code
- Support NCCC multiple terminals
- voided product report will not include sales return
V7. 31.31.F04160
- supported changes in NAIA (added transaction no)
- Bugfix: unable to delete the last line in product packing, choices.
V7. 31.31.F04130
- supported tab character for first character in tenant file (NCCC)
V7. 31.31.F04051
- Bugfix: product kit was not saved properly if only product id was changed
V7. 31.31.F0405
- Bugfix: License management error
- merged cpanel to HQ
- NEW - New login UI
- added effects in ad
- added suffix X in date when getting stock status
V7. 30.31.F0331
- remove supress repeating values in sales by product report
- changed greenhills computation to include discounted VAT
- Bugfix: stock ledger did not account for unsummarized sales in total count
V7. 30.31.F0327
- Changed Ayala DBF structure to reflect non fraction value for "OTHERS"
- able to recognize encoded ID in pick up form
- added control to show keyboard in pick up form
- Bugfix: a special characters (1F) was transmitted and XML could not recognize it, hence, failed to send data
- corrected sta lucia computation on tax exclusive (PWD)
- increase executime time for sales by product to 10 minutes
V7. 30.31.F03240
- updated encoded login to accept changes on enter key
- Ayala tenant, if no sales, trancnt will be zero
V7. 30.31.F03200
- Bugfix: F&B, repeat last product should only add 1 qty
V7. 30.31.F03170
- Bugfix: F&B product display should not have scroll bars
V7. 30.31.F03160
- Bugfix: entering product id / directly in the adjustment form did not trigger form change
- Supported inventory checking
- added space in receipt for discount, wrapped text
- check for duplicate packing ID
- adjusted NAIA to take care of round off problem
V7. 29.30.F03060
- improve sales report by product so that it wont run out memory during printing
- download xls as zip if more than 1MB
V7. 29.30.F02250
- NEW - add restriction to open other terminals transaction
V7. 28.29.F02180
- if customer has no price level, it will get the default terminal price level
- Bugfix: Ayala/Megaworld multiple tenant. Should include those zcounter = 0 during offline
- Bugfix: stock ledger should carry over the stock balance properly during paging
V7. 28.29.F0212
- Fixed offline Ayala Tenant File (wrong termid)
- added toolbar toggle in counter layout
- product selection will follow product button size
- NEW - added image in production selection in FB/Kiosk
- changed password length to 64
V7. 28.29.F02110
- allow system to login using password with and without special chars
- Bugfix: cashier declaration retrieves 2 set of data because of multiple companies
- delete upload files during deletelog command
- removing spaces in password
- limit the pending tenant data so it wont slow down the system
V7. 28.29.F02090
- added security checking for entering negative quantity
V7. 28.29.F02030
- change to auto complete combobox
- Bugfix: in summarize product summary, we should include product choices also
- Bugfix: should check the response of the prompt in start of day operation
V7. 27.28.F02010
- Bugfix: in FB, it will create new sales if the data is not replicated
- stock ledger should separate the unsummarized sales to day
- NEW - added magnetic card login support
V7. 26.27.F01220
- Bugfix: deposit are not printed in receipt
- add paging to branch and warehouse master list
- Bugfix: show all warehouses in manage login
V7. 26.27.F01190
- Bugfix: loyalty member approval was not able to save data
V7. 26.27.F01150
- NEW - wholesale initial release
V7. 25.26.F01090
- add quick entry mode for stock control documents
- Added UOM Listing
- Product listing - able to show products with packing code only
V7. 25.26.F01080
- Bugfix: computation of subtotal checking should be rounded to 2 to avoid decimal discrepancy
V7. 25.26.E12172
- Bugfix: prompt warehouse did not show message
- decommissioned inv_daily_balances
- decommissioned pos_product_sum
- do not recompute product status during rebuilding as it requires too much time
V7. 24.25.E12170
- Will print generic zreading output, followed by tenant data (SMCOIN)
- add image to the bottom on ad display
- Supported numeric keypad in kiosk
V7. 24.25.E12100
- improve interactive sql for administrator
- avoid rewriting the INI during logon, by using cookie
- Bugfix: computation of service charge is not zero for large amount because of 0.000001 placeholder
- do not refresh price when price level is the same
- added recovery feature for iportfolio.xml
V7. 24.25.E12090
- add another layer of checking to valid productid, uom, total line
- add change local key alert
V7. 23.24.E12010
- do not refresh price during set charge
- Bugfix: service charge and local tax is incorrect when deducting tax after discount (fix#2)
V7. 23.24.E11250
- supported customization of color (header, footer) in customer display
- align ad on top of product line, resynced full display timeout
V7. 23.24.E11210
- during initial download, skip the image download to make it faster
- Bugfix: service charge is incorrect when deducting tax after discount
- Bugfix: adjusted Greenhills to consider product choice
V7. 23.24.E11180
- changed megaworld to include excess tender in netsales
- allow advance date in inventory adjustment and transfer, and search
- Bugfix: show customer logo during advertise mode
- able to change powered by logo
V7. 23.24.E11100
- added storage path and disk space info
- Bugfix: checkIntegrity has wrong query
- allowed image to be uploaded to account master
V7. 22.23.E1105
- added flood control in saving transaction
- Bugfix: Sta Lucia should not include choices
V7. 21.22.E1104
- NEW - added upload of debit card master
- NEW - added min/max variety, allow decimal in product choices
- NEW - added PowerPlant Multiple
V7. 19.21.E10300
- NEW - add upload of product article
- Bugfix: price verifier resulted in error due to checking tax type in sales
- Bugfix: error in local tax (tax discounted twice)
- Bugfix: check duplicate fsp id when creating new account
V7. 19.21.E10270
- Bugfix: stock status should include per site
- Bugfix: when assigning xml without casting (original tax type), it will create second entry
V7. 19.21.E10210
- NEW - allow to specify sorting of product
- Bugfix: product movement analysis did not carry over the pareto total
- Bugfix: when product choice is increased and the succeeding line is a regular voided product, it will become void itself
V7. 18.20.E10160
- new format for Greenhills tenant
V7. 18.20.E10080
- NEW - added debugging mode
V7. 17.19.E10070
- wrap of receipt to use 1 space before total to fit "CHANGE"
V7. 17.19.E10020
- added active flag in upload product master
- no retry when generating gift certificates
V7. 17.19.E09290
- Bugfix: when adding product through browse, price level is not affected
- allow to enter 6 decimal places for discount percentage
V7. 17.19.E09250
- Bugfix: computing of total cost during FEFO was not reset
- NEW _ allow option to print product name (wrap/ no wrap, product name/short name)
- removed border in ad display
V7. 16.18.E09180
- supported lot no checking within product choices
- changed Ayala format
V7. 16.18.E09160
- Supported starmall
- added authorized by during printing of cashier report, x and z reading
V7. 16.18.E09150
- NEW - add basic locking in F&B
V7. 16.18.E09050
- enhanced start of day operation with additional force perform start day
- added fisher mall
- consolidated max detail lines and size for upload
- Bugfix: sales by branch
V7. 16.18.E09020
- CRITICAL Bugfix: increase script timeout limit and recursive limit
- added mutex control in populate
V7. 16.18.E09010
- added EVAT column in transaction list
- added supplier ID in product list
- supported auto lock terminal
- Bugfix: HQ access level updated date
- Bugfix: voided product list, application error when authorized by is specified
- added copy db during auto fix of database, naming of RESET
- support printing of lot expiry in the receipt
- support btq sales of up to 1000 lines only
V7. 16.17.E08080
- allow reset configuration to quickly finish without completing product, account and lot download
- supported short name in kitchen and print bill
- Bugfix: compute tallying of data during upload sales
- support btq sales of more than 1000 lines
- final sales should only include those uploaded to avoid overlap
- Fixed computation of subtotal discount, service charge because it was not reset
V7. 16.17.E07300
- change kitchen attribute to double height, remove unwanted characters in initializing 12 cpi (UNDO)
- added failsafe to make sure no double posting for debit card
V7. 16.17.E07250
- NEW - added customized printout for wide receipt
- show base price for displomat and pwd discount
V7. 16.17.E07220
- trim down initial list of credit card to international standard
- NEW - Support Loyalty points per product / enhanced loyalty printing in receipt
- print debit balance in receipt
- minor speed up in dashboard
V7. 15.16.E07170
- add customer in kitchen printing, adjusted kitchen printing to exclude dine in mark when compact
- customer display - 1st line auto wrap, 2nd line - not. Extended standby message
- NEW - background validation tool for posted inventory
- Bugfix: searching product lot in BTQ disregarded the product
- Bugfix: parsing of station in prep module
- extend hq user id (email) to 64 chars
- update db now updates customize settings
V7. 14.15.E07090
- Bugfix: set PWD/diplomat discount in transaction level
- Bugfix: unable to properly remove reservation on single lot function
V7. 14.15.E07080
- add short name for product
- add zero-rated tax type for product
- add zero-rated tag for customer
- allowed rotary to extended to 64 characters
- Bugfix: cannot filter account properly when restrict site is on (illegal alias)
- add branch column/filter in master account
V7. 12.14.E07010
- Use new signing certificate
- adjusted formula for Greenhills to support "Deduct Tax from New Grand Total"
V7. 11.14.E0630
- Bugfix: image not downloaded for shop floor (side effect)
- no retry when searching for stock status
V7. 11.14.E0627
- Bugfix: sales by company only computed the primary company
- NEW - added set negative quantity security checking
- additional failsafe to make sure we are saving transactions with products
V7. 11.14.E0624
- Bugfix: error in sales (hs) computation of DINE In/take out
- Supported fort tenant
- enhanced combobox for touch operation
- Supported multiple button size for F&B operation
- Supported qty batch in product choices
V7. 10.12.E06200
- Supported new version of BIR esales
- Bugfix: auto search product in F&B should follow search product template
V7. 10.12.E06180
- Bugfix: error casting senior tax in compute sales
V7. 10.12.E06120
- cannot enter negative in settlement
- supported new credit card format %b
- change computation of diplomat discount to allow 0
V7. 10.12.E06050
- NEW - allow user to customize customer display
- allow only characers in credit card name
- allow terminal to specify whether credit card approval card is required or not
- Bugfix: rotary display in the screen was over extended
- Bugfix: do not print old message in kitchen if not yet saved
- Bugfix: edit order to lesser product lines result in unpredictable error
- during split transaction, send the sales immediately to server
V7. 09.10.E05290
- Bugfix: subtotal PWD/diplomat was disabled
- separate take out and dine in tag
- Bugfix: do not allow counter layout products to be sorted
- must delete xls after download
- no need for branch if term # is specified
- do not include lot no in zoom to sales by product
- Bugfix: archive_select and exe must lookup the resourceid
- Bugfix: Greenhills, did not multiply qty when adding back the evat
- Rockwell - changed formula for non tax sale
- modify senior/pwd/diplomat counts
- add system threshold when uploading sales
V7. 08.10.E05150
- senior citizen look up will now follow this -> product, terminal, company (before product, company, terminal)
- senior tax can accept list without default or even blank
- Bugfix: do not print products to kitchen when not settled or voided
- Bugfix: set service charge in FB should trigger save
V7. 08.10.E05121
- removed sorting of product based on index
- do not increment choice index if already exist
V7. 08.10.E05120
- added checking for discount during checkout
- do not include the choices in the voided product list
- Bugfix: record proper supervisor ID during cancellation (did not include the voiding of sales)
- Bugfix: problem in sorting product choices when index is not in order
V7. 08.10.E05020
- Bugfix: print product to kitchen was omitted
V7. 08.10.E04300
- Bugfix: record proper supervisor ID during cancellation
- Do not include FB info in kiosk
- allow terminal to specify if multiple product choices can specify items
- Bugfix: Edit Order will not compute price properly
- added screenheight, screenwidth in iportfolio.xml to force screen size
V7. 07.09.E04240
- Bugfix: Cashier declaration did not compute cash properly
- Fixed tradegecko interface to allow hundres of records to be replicated
- added leave page warning
- removed exempted value added tax (wrong computation)
V7. 07.09.E04160
- added extra checking for discount entry
V7. 07.09.E04150
- align the computation of pos product summary in zreading
V7. 07.09.E04100
- Bugfix: voided product list should include subtotal discounts and vat
- changed tax computation for product summary
- added tax column in transaction list
- added evat in reading
- make test db connection more verbose
V7. 07.08.E04080
- add cookie for accumulate in browse product
- make sure that document no is copied even greater than 60 days
- reading will be retained for 2 years in local server
V7. 07.08.E04070
- NEW - added http transfer
- change behavior of check access, no more asking the server
V7. 07.08.E03300
- NEW - added option to sell lot uniquely
- Bugfix: when printing bill, floor name should not included total pax
- Bugfix: megaworld total credit should not include charge
V7. 06.06.E03260
- NEW - added accumulate flag in browse product
- Bugfix: corrected verification of manual GC ID
- Add PWD/Diplomat List, improved government discount
V7. 05.05.E03250
- Supported ALI Multiple Terminals
- do not allow z counter to be overwritten
- fixed rounding off of negative numbers
V7. 05.05.E03210
- supported second screen for 640x480 resolution
V7. 05.05.E0320
- Bugfix: sorting terminal and selecting record will result in error
- Bugfix: ad enhancements on kiosk
- Bugfix: greenhills, pwd, displomat, senior + choices computation
V7. 05.05.E03180
- ad enhancements - full screen ad, dual lines for rss feed
- Bugfix: search ad did not work, did not include keyword search
V7. 05.05.E0317
- enhanced cashier declaration with printing and editing
- changed product summary format
- reactivated final checking during upload sale, make sure product lines are complete
V7. 05.05.E0312
- Bugfix: Greenhills should not include choices
- changed search and replace engine
- corrected Greenhills bug on archiving
- changed kiosk product panel back to static
V7. 05.05.E03100
- add rights to change password in BTQ
- corrected sta lucia (must have sales entry for voided lines)
V7. 05.05.E03070
- Supported cashier declaration in BTQ/FB
- switching between product category in kiosk/FB will only search local DB
V7. 04.03.E03060
- In kiosk, limit the displayable products in each category to 250
- automatically reassign the document no and trx no if deleted to make sure they will be continuous
- do not allow to logon unless initial download is completed
- do not fix local DB right away when it fails to open
- Robinsons FTP - continue if cannot overwrite
V7. 04.03.E0303
- change how sending of FTP tenant, 500 is considered non error, and allow other files to be sent when encountering error
V7. 04.03.E02280
- new settings for festival tenant
V7. 04.03.E02270
- changed product browsing to eliminate rendering error
- update FIFO/FEFO cost for POS sales
V7. 04.03.E02240
- Supported split bill
- delete interim post inventory
- Bugfix: edit product choice with multiple qty
V7. 04.03.E02200
- changes in Greenhills reading, to make counter continuous (must repopulate reading)
V7. 03.02.E0217
- Display memo in tender list
- Authorization dialog now restricts the user input
V7. 03.02.E02120
- limit product per transaction to 1000
V7. 03.02.E02110
- add authorization if product does not exist
V7. 03.02.E02100
- allow to edit choices
- added table transfer to all kitchen printing
- added reading on dine in, take out and delivery
V7. 02.01.E02040
- added senior citizen discount per line
- Supported PowerPlant Mode 2
- do not allow sales to override expiry date
V7. 01.01.E01290
- cashier declaration should include cash in out of those involved in sales only
- in credit card tender, we will only safe keep last 4 digits, changed label to device no
- added filter for device no in credit tender in media tender report
V7. 01.01.E01270
- credit card approval no is no longer required
- when parent article is deactivated, the child will be deactivated also
- add barcode to product article
V7. 01.01.E01240
- Bugfix: multiple spawn on product choices
V7. 01.01.E01232
- supported JMall requirement to add line void to zreading
- During delete terminal, will not affect other terminals on the same site
- REPROCESS Batch is now default, must set explicitly to 0 to allow reprocessing every upload reading
V7. 01.01.E01220
- NEW - Added point redemption
- reworked the post sales, pre sales validate, post sales validate
V6. 99.99.E01160
- changed kiosk menu selection to refresh everytime
- added support for java in soap
- rearranged zreading to show NRGT before product summary
V6. 99.99.E01150
- add line void to jmall
- changed rounding computation of product discount
V6. 99.99.E01100
- Access rights to enter manual GC/COUPON
V6. 99.98.E01080
- Bugfix: logout from sysman
- Bugfix: Computation of service charge less tax
V6. 99.98.E01070
- Supported diplomat discount
V6. 99.97.D12270
- Naia - separate per product, add trade code as sales cat
V6. 99.97.D12230
- Robinson - allowed to override block off time for transaction
V6. 99.97.D12190
- Bugfix: NAIA Accreditation
V6. 99.97.D12170
- supported new requirement in Jmall
- Bugfix: Naia accreditation
V6. 99.97.D1215
- remove session blocking
- add clear session when killed / aborted
V6. 99.97.D12120
- enhanced loyalty program to share among companies in single server
V6. 99.96.D1206
- Bugfix: Download e-sales max document no was incorrectly cast
- updated offline greenhills
- Supported third party email system
V6. 99.96.D12040
- NEW - added tradegecko interface (product master, sale by product)
V6. 99.96.D11290
- upgraded fpdf to 1.7
- deposit should not be included in computation of senior, discount, service charge
- NEW - added gc breakdown per type
V6. 99.96.D11262
- NEW - add option not to open cash drawer for non cash settlement
V6. 99.95.D1126
- Supported background image for shop floor
- media tender report, separated expiry and approval code
- added branch in media tender report
V6. 99.95.D1124
- supported change quantity in product choices, fix all related reports and posting
- clean up kitchen printing for product choices
V6. 99.95.D1121
- check stock status should account the effective date
- Supported uploading of loyalty member id in account and uploading of adjustment
V6. 99.95.D1119
- Bugfix: if user enters ' in the product search, it will look and compute for all product price
- Mask when entering clerk code
V6. 99.95.D11080
- corrected robinsons time, corrected Greenhills tenant system
- BUF FIX - sales report by product did not filter number of records properly
- Bugfix: add days in php has problem
V6. 99.95.D11050
- NEW - allow user to set service charge
- NEW - add deposit function in kiosk and FB
V6. 99.94.D10300
- NEW - allow user to disable cashier report during z reading
- NEW - allow user to disable zreading report
- Bugfix: proper print out of cashier report during zero sales
- NEW - added feedback rating
- NEW - added standalone ad
- Bugfix: corrected the formula for SC Discount in transaction list
V6. 99.93.D10220
- Bugfix: rotary display on second line lacks one character
V6. 99.93.D1018
- Bugfix: order disappeared in receipt
- Bugfix: recompute senior citizen discount of 5% converts the extended price
V6. 99.93.D1015
- updated greenhills accreditation
- Bugfix: changing something before print bill and settle will produce integrity error
V6. 99.93.D10140
- add open drawer after direct printing in BTQ
- change benchmark of dashboard for sales comparative and month to date
- NEW - added support for Alpha Land
- should allow refund
- allow space to be included in standby and welcome message
V6. 99.93.D10092
- improve downloading of image, increase http count threshold
V6. 99.93.D1009
- NEW - add district32
- added printout for Robinson (Line 25-30)
V6. 99.93.D10040
- Supported mutiple senior discount
- Supported amusement tax per product
- Bugfix: checking of tender vs subtotal should not include voided transaction
V6. 98.92.D09300
- Bugfix: adjustment list should retain the column name for type and cost
V6. 98.92.D09230
- corrected enter amount, enable the button after error
V6. 98.92.D09200
- make browse product window variable height
V6. 98.92.D09182
- supported takeout in kiosk / print takeout label in receipt
V6. 98.92.D09180
- Bugfix: cashier report with zcounter with decimal is not rounded off properly
- Bugfix: email xls
- create workaround for download xls
- add extra checking to trap if there are no payments made during settlement
V6. 98.92.D0905
- enhanced database recovery when corrupted
- enhanced kitchen printing
- NEW - Able to hide running total
V6. 97.91.D09040
- corrected Greenhills reading (add tax to gross)
- added PWD discount to SM Coin reading
V6. 97.91.D09030
- Bugfix: cannot see senior discount in 800x600
- Bugfix: accumulate product
- Bugfix: during offline, must prompt authorization in boutique
- allow download of excel file in chunk
- removed getclientupdate warning
V6. 97.91.D09020
- changed how DB is created in BTQ using copy template
V6. 97.91.D08290
- changed Robinsons reprint logic, write to destination ftp logic
V6. 97.91.D08270
- adjust settlement window in 800x600 screen
- restrict download image
- increased max uploadable video file to 20MB
V6. 97.91.D08220
- Supported price verifier
- include line discount in transaction list, added PWD discount
V6. 97.91.D08200
- change behavior of override price
- separate evat from senior discount
- Bugfix: New computation for PWD discount
- Auto search product should not popup if no result
V6. 97.91.D08150
- check if current transaction is valid during posting
- during get transaction, update local DB
- added discount column in cashier report list
- can search product with packing ID
V6. 97.91.D08080
- ignore minutes seconds when comparing hours
- change choice simulator to touch for HQ
- Bugfix: allow to change deposit amount
- add facility to overwrite existing record if current record is posting
- Bugfix: voiding records with deposit claim will not reverse the original deposit
- Bugfix: recalling a transaction with deposit will point to incorrect seqno
- Bugfix: will not include deposit flag, so saving will be faster
V6. 97.91.D08070
- NEW - Added Greenhills shopping center tenant
- revised Robinson tenant file to add reprint count
- Bugfix: make sure to get the recno (not only 60 days) during verify terminal
- Bugfix: computing service charge should deduct evat and senior discount
- Bugfix: incorrect discount computation
V6. 96.90.D08010
- NEW - allow user to define logo for cashier station
- NEW - added ad management
- Bugfix: kiosk products disappears
V6. 95.89.D07290
- only include active products
- Optimized Verify Product to make sure everything will be checked
- Bugfix: display list of kiosk
- NEW - allow products to be printed to bar station during settlement
- added region list in price list printout
- Bugfix: unit cost must be multipled by units quantity during posting
- Bugfix: sales report by product report should include PWD discount
V6. 95.89.D0723
- Bugfix: stock count should include decimal place
V6. 95.89.D07180
- NEW - support dual service charge for takeout and dine in, tagging of takeout
- Supported EPSON URL Printer
- Support Sta Lucia additional requirements
V6. 95.88.D07150
- Supported Festival Supermall
V6. 95.88.D0712
- Bugfix: change formula for amusement tax
- Bugfix: critical - wrong document_no, trxno during reset configuration
- add warning if system date is not correct
- restrict changing of info for deposit
V6. 95.88.D07080
- NEW - added certificate batch creation
V6. 95.88.D0705
- NEW - added amusement tax
- Bugfix: coupon no limit expiry defaulted to current date
- Supported limit price to region
- receipt will now use real time
- Bugfix: kitchen terminal station incorrectly filters products
- added expiry in certficate list
V6. 94.87.D07030
- removed cost component in z reading
- NEW - allow change status of deposit
V6. 94.87.D07020
- added restriction on z reading if there are pending orders
- PWD discount should be based on discounted price
V6. 94.87.D06280
- added memo in kitchen station, clean up queue time
- Supported Shangrila
V6. 94.87.D06200
- Stock status will only show active warehouse
- Bugfix: Megaworld - add pwd discount and change gc amount
- Changed DB structure (length) for Ayala Multiple
- Bugfix: credit card swiping got incomplete details because of delay
V6. 94.87.D06180
- Bugfix: kitchen printing for text
- Bugfix: minor layout adjustment on FB
- Bugfix: when grouping table, it resulted in error in kitchen monitor
- Bugfix: Sta Lucia reading
- Bugfix: inventory ledger zooming with pubid and recno
- Bugfix: immediate post will not recompute stocks
V6. 94.87.D06140
- Supported Ayala (Multiple Terminals)
- limit reset configuration downloadable sales to 500 only
V6. 94.87.D06110
- Supported socket printing
V6. 94.87.D06070
- Partial release socket printer support
- Bugfix: increased fgroupid to 48 chars to accommodate 6 chars PUBID
V6. 93.86.D05300
- Bugfix: Sta Lucia tenant report should consider subtotal senior discount
- Bugfix: FB update group table status properly
V6. 93.86.D0524
- Added WOFF; WON in process printer command
V6. 93.86.D0520
- Added deposit function
- Included evat in senior citizen computation in transaction list
V6 .92.85.D05070
- Changed Ayala tenant file (write to subdirectory and put 0 if no transaction)
- Bugfix: sales book printing should include all
- Bugfix: Sta Lucia tenant system - must output line even where there is no sales
V6 .92.85.D04230
- Improved performance on getting the last transaction
V6 .92.85.D04190
- Added company logo to be included in form report (adjustment, count, transfer)
- Reverted this - active flag should populate to article, article can have its own active flag
- Converted to account id when entering alias in clerk
V6 .92.85.D03120
- Supported Sta Lucia Tenant File
V6 .90.83.D02200
- Supported tenant system for Pacific mall
V6 .89.82.D02040
- Added prompt clerk during ordering
V6 .89.82.D02012
- Added printing when tables are transferred or joined
- Bugfix: do not print senior list if there is no data
- Do not allow to override a product if voided
- Allow separation of product printing per quantity
V6 .89.82.D02010
- Added print spool monitor, print hold and terminal status
V6 .88.81.D01250
- Supported Robinsons additional lines
- Restrict retrieving of sales transaction to same branch
- Added Senior Discount List
- Added PWD Discount
V6 .87.80.D01070
- Allow tender information to be retained during settlement, but hide cc info
- Added range check for price in upload product master
V6 .87.80.D01030
- reactivated begin commit in local DB to making saving faster
V6 .86.79.C12260
- Add strict customer (POS Terminal>Basic Setting: Do not allow charging to other customer), changing customer will also change the charge tender
- Do not accept inventory upload if product is inactive
- Added clear transaction for order station
- Removed product memo synchronization (make it localized)
- Limit upload sales data
V6 .86.79.C12180
- Removed FB counter scrolling when 800x600
- Added memo history
- Kitchen printing will now print if memo is changed
- Added arrows for easy navigation in FB
- Cannot print bill / settle if table is empty
- Get shop floor is now optimized
- Added color highlight in FB
- Supported Flytech drawer (iphwcon - V2.20)
V6 .85.78.C12120
- Removed wait time when adding / browsing product
- Added flytech kick drawer support/li>
V6 .85.78.C12100
- Added product highlight
- Added paging for account, product pending transaction in BTQ
V6 .84.77.C12070
- Added search filter in search pending transaction, increased search to 1000 records
- Removed REPRINT in zreading
- Changed logic on tender too huge amount
- Able to override price with zero amount
V6 .84.77.C12020
- Improve performance on saving product lines
V6 .84.77.C11180
- Added Http indicator
- Added Http as primary peer to peer communication
V6 .83.76.C11150
- Allow temp access on supervisor
- Activated second send for order
- Support cancel reason
- Retain price override when saving transaction
V6 .82.75.C11050
- Increased Due guide by 50% in btq
- During reset configuration, erase current DB and back it up to unique file
- Do not commit reset configuration unless it is successful
- Added NCCC Accreditation
- Added resending of datagram during packet loss
- When group has no more orders, try looking at table to sync with the status
V6 .82.75.C10310
- Updated line 16 of megaworld tenant file
- During importing of previous reading, do not clear terminal data anymore
- Enhanced company and franchisee management to include customized function
- Ticket no can now be reset per day, months and years
- If already setup, do not offer to do reset configuration
V6 .81.74.C10240
- Increased generic name to 256 chars
- Updated Megaworld
- Added # of seniors in printing receipt
- Stock transaction is now equipped with paging
- Allow replication of Terminal during off limit sync period
- Added UDP status in HQ/Admin
- Allow FB to exit appropriately when there is no transaction
V6 .81.74.C10180
- Added secondary IP, improved synchronization
- Improve cashier declaration list with short and over column
V6 .80.73.C10140
- Added product type variation
V6 .79.72.C10010
- Enhanced allow to settle function by adding "allow to add tender"
V6 .79.72.C09260
- Enhancement - when voiding sale with product lotno, it will use the original
- Enhancement - in FEFO, automatic update the details after posting
V6 .77.70.C09020
- Added terminal online schedule
V6 .76.69.C08240
- Added change table size in FB
V6 .76.69.C08220
- In browse product, disable add products once clicked
- Add products from browse, make sure it does not have chain reaction
- Dual send on order, sales in peer to peer
- Added reset orders in FB
V6 .76.69.C08210
- Make sure to reset the initial download during reset configuration
- Bugfix: product selection where choices = 1 to 1, should put default
- Bugfix: posmgr dashboard, should check if data retrieved has error
- Added fmax_http_count threshold
- Get order will be the one to set product status
- If there are orders, table should not be vacant
- Realign checking of vacant status - remove fofficeid
- Bugfix: allow negative decimal keypad should allow - entry
- Hide tender controls when negative amount
- Added delete button in tender and each type
- Bugfix (FB tender for coupon and debit card)
V6 .76.69.C08150
- Automatically update customer count when computing senior discount
- Improved FB action button - UI, added repeat last item, search product, price check
- Verify master price should be called once in a while only
V6 .76.69.C08100
- Bugfix: coupon in F&B results in error
- Added "set to required amount" in coupon tender
V6 .76.69.C08090
- Supported JMall Tenant Connection
V6 .76.69.C08080
- Added sync terminals in FB
- Added print delivery address during print bill and settlement
- Do not delete orders (for sync)
V6 .76.69.C08030
- Bugfix: Upload media was not able to call next sequence
- During multiple z reading, use only single instance of upload data to avoid overloading the server with requests
- Allow retry when offline for next sequence
- Skip tenant process (get tenant) when its off
V6 .76.69.C08021
- Added server status history
- Added facility to delete main DB (for correction)
- Added local IP in terminal history
V6 .75.68.C08020
- Improve CPU usage by removing depedency on iphwcon for peer to peer comm
- Make adding of product noticeable
- Assign default command for cut
V6 .75.68.C08010
- Bugfix: thousands places
- Add kill servers on exit
V6 .75.68.C07310
- Updated IPBTQ to Adobe air 2
- Added local ip table for each terminal
- Improved offline checking, copy orders
- Added own communication socket without iphwcon
- Remove possible cyclic in peer to peer operation
- During reset configuration, get all unposted sales of same location